SHARK VR!!! - Hungry Shark World VR | HD -

SHARK VR!!! – Hungry Shark World VR | HD

Views: 3695445
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Be the shark in Hungry Shark’s newest game Hungry Shark VR!
Game Here :

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This game requires a Daydream headset to play.
From the makers of Hungry Shark World and Hungry Shark Evolution. The Hungry Shark games have been downloaded more than 300 million times worldwide.


  1. 🦅🤺RS - Thằng Joséph - ĐM CƯA SẮT A WIN! says:

    A best video I think

  2. They got to make those games 3d some day

  3. Merrier Dithėyèiña the Badder (Baddiedithe) 💖 says:

    It's True Mr. James

  4. Merrier Dithėyèiña the Badder (Baddiedithe) 💖 says:

    Dannis: Dude I'm not a Small Shark Dammit!!!!! 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠

  5. I have kill megalodon one time bro in mega rush

  6. I like hungry shark but the big thing i like about hungry shark the vr version

  7. Hungry Shark VR: 5$
    Minecraft: yes 🙂 30$

  8. First of all, how much is for the VR
    And second, isn't playing VR kinda difficult?

  9. me when i see the bull shark in "small" tab: brain.exe_has_not_been_found

  10. The VR is cool but how can we stop moving when we have no joystick

  11. Hungry Shark World is also on Nintendo Switch and that's the first time it had to be bought

  12. Here it is! Now you can (almost) be the shark. What do you guys think of this game?

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